Re: Artemis - Russian Rat Snake
I know that feeling well now, the last little carpet python filled my collection. I'm actually considering selling one or two of the male DRMB's since I don't need them all for breeding stock, but I'm not worried about keeping them either.
I just saw an ad for a free boa, only about a 2 hour drive, and didn't even reply to it. However, I would consider making an exception for a russian rat if I ran across such a sweet deal. Then I'd have to get another one...
Very pretty new girl, she'll probably quiet down a bit after she settles in.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.