Sice i got my woma roughly 3 weeks ago the one big suprise she has for me is her incredible intelligence. She is nothing like the snakes i knew before her.
I give you a few examples. When i come into the room she looks out of her cave. When she spots me she looks what i´m doing and when i open the door she comes out and climbs on my arm then rests on my hand to be carried around.
Another interesting thing i saw was that she found the hole where the cables enter her enclosure. Its big enough for her to stick her head out. When she saw me she quickly retreated into her hideout. I was kinda shocked because i feared she could escape through that or get stuck. So i closed it with styropor foam. She then repeatedly moved there too look what happened to that hole.
She clearly can recognize me and my face. She reacts very positive when i approach her but she is more skittish regarding people she doesn´t know.
It is hard to tell but she is by far th most intelligent and curious reptile i know beside some monitor lizards. Almost mammal like.
Did anyone of you guys can notice the same? I´m really amazed.