Re: Please help, skink has mites....
Hi everyone.
I had some trouble with shipping prevent a mite and I won't have it for another week I think.
I've been keeping up with regular bathes and tank cleaning with reptile relife and zoo med wipe out. All snakes and skink are still on paper towels.
I Havn't seen any signs of mites in a few days, no signs at all that they have made it to either of my snakes either. Nothing in the bath water, water dish, paper towels or on the animal himself. How long do you think I need to keep up the paper towels and daily cleaning before I can go back to using aspen and cypress bedding for my animals? I feel so bad because my skink has nothing to dig in or burrow under and he seems to be getting restless and annoyed.
How long till I can be sure the mites are gone and not coming back? I would hate to set everything up all nice again just to have to tear it down.