Therapy Snake?
I was wondering if the concept exists outside of my home. My first snake, Daisy, a Rosy Boa, is my biggest stress reliever. She is so calm and easy going it rubs off on me I guess. I know she doesn't love me, care about my well being, and is just a snake being a snake, but she does it in such a way that I benefit tremendously from her. She is awesome and if it weren't for her being ectothermic and people being afraid of snakes I would take her everywhere. It makes me wonder if we should give these kind of snakes a serious thought about being therapy animals.
4.6 Rosy Boas | 1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas | 1.0 Honduran Milk Snake | 0.1 Taiwan Beauty Snake | 1.1 Green Anacondas | 1.1 Retics | 1.0 BCI | 1.0 Ball Python | 1.0 Eryx johnii