Guys, I'm new and need help.
I work in Omaha NE, I unload semi trailers from Georgia daily. Today a 2 1/2 foot Black Rat Snake came in on one of the trucks, freezing to the touch and nearly dead. I infact thought it was dead until I saw movement in the tail as I was about to throw her in the trash. So I packed her up in a box and set her in the break room where it was about 72 degrees, instead of the 35 ° shop temp. So anyway I don't know how to care for a snake but I'm sure this snake wouldn't survive release in NE winter. So I'm keeping her in a ten gallon tank I got when I first bought my water dragon. No lamps just the heat pad under the hide log.. I know this isn't ideal but I also don't want this to be a long term pet. Also bought her a mouse, live white lab mouse and she seems totally uniinterested, is this from the stress of today? Should I remove the mouse and reintroduce it in a week?