I received my precious new baby on 10/07/14 from a breeder that guarantees their babies voluntarily eat 2 times before selling. when I received my hognose(male) he was 6 1/2" long, smallest snake I've ever had. I have him in a 45g tank, with cool side 82-84 and hot side(basking spot) at about 92-95. very active little snake, but when I go near the cage he hisses and lunges(mouth closed, I was told hognoses bluff) sometimes he lunges so hard he tips over... I do not handle snakes until theyre voluntarily eating 2 weeks in a row and I wait 3 days after they eat to handle them if they are eating good. but I don't feed my snakes just in their cages as I don't want them consuming bedding, I place(scoop up bedding theyre on top of and let them slither into container) them in deli cups(at this size) with air holes on the warm side of their enclosure I feed them at 7pm and remove them the next day at 10am. I tried feeding on 10/09/14 but no interest, tried on 10/14/14 he ate but also regurgitated(I began to really worry I've never had a snake that's regurgitated...
) I waited 10 days for him to rest after that so tried to feed him 10/24/14 no go again, tried again on 11/2 no go... I size the pinkie to the girth of the snake but at this point his head is the widest point!! but I know the pinkies aren't too large for him!
:'( I'm going to try today(11/3/14) using the "braining" method which I'm not looking forward to but I need my baby to eat! if he doesn't eat today, tomorrow I will try cutting a pinkie down the middle.
I also own an adult blue tongue skink(4y/o), adult cornsnake(11y/o), 2 adult crested geckos(5y/o), adult gargoyle gecko(5y/o) and a juvenile Kenyan sand boa(about 11" not sure of age) got from same captive breeder that I got this hognose from however the boa has eaten 3 times for me and has a great temperament. I've owned a balled python, Colombian rainbow boa however these got to large so I rehomed to a family member who has closets redesigned as snake enclosures with beautiful glass doors and all accommodations for the species. also have had a bearded dragon but rehomed to cousin with kids because kids loved him sooo much!
I'm very concerned about my baby hognose, I don't want him to die but I also do not want to consider force feeding with pinkie pump but I may not have another choice... any suggestions?