LLL Reptile/backwaterreptiles/reptilecity! WHICH ONE! HELP
hey everyone so heres the deal! I just had a custom cage built for me because after doing months of research and returning back to florida (just got out of the army!) I am getting a blackthroat monitor. the guy who is building me the cage has a 5 foot male and he was stunning and puppy dog tame. I was going to get a sav but he talked me out of it and convinced me on the b/t. Now I have seen a few places that have them. backwaterreptiles.com reptilecity.com and lllreptile.com! I want to get a quality baby b/t here from a reputable place, I don't care about the money difference I just want a well taken care of and healthy monitor. Can someone point me in the right direction? Also on a side note, what is the best reasonably priced digital thermometer and humidity reader?