Hello! I'm just here to learn!
I'm a 13 year old that might be able to get a snake when I'm 15 or so. I'm waiting out so long because I know that I'll need to save up a few thousand, for vet costs and overall upkeep of the snake. I JUST here to really read up on things and look at cute snake pics. Right now i'm aiming towards getting a Hognose in the future. I would get a corn, but they seem a little long for me. My parents won't allow anything too big.
But my main question right at this moment is, corns vs. hogs. General points to hit on: Feeding (Do hogs eat more than corns since they are most stout rather than long?), Temperament, General length (I know females are longer), morphs, speed, and overall opinion on which is better to get.