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Old 08-13-14, 12:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2014
Posts: 51
Crazy first encounter...

So she seemed very shy. She was a LOT smaller than I expected ~ like the size of a baby, but the container confirmed she was my girl. I'm worried that she hardly ever got fed, but boy, was she a lively one!

When I went to pick her up she tried to hide her cute little face under herself, and then just bolted off. She is barely bigger than a little hatchling, and just darted off onto me, faster than lightning and crawled down my leg and under my computer, lol. (It was off, no worries.) I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't try to grab her. She did fall onto the floor, but it was from my knee, and she kinda slid down the side of my leg. Don't know if that counts. She's okay though.

Then she made it easy on me and crawled into the corner. She was really scared of me, so I scooped her up and quickly put her in her terrarium. She's been hiding from me since. Poor girl. But I gotta say, not once did she try to bite. And I gave her plenty of reasons and opportunities, being ill prepared to handle her. I should have prepared for anything. I just didn't think she'd be that small, and I was scared I would hurt her.

She seemed to be warming up for a bit. I only got 4 hours of sleep, so I closed the blinds, turned the heat lamp off, and took a nap for 4 hours, to let her get used to her new area without stressing about me being around.

Her terrarium is on my desk, next to where I work, so she can see me all the time. I'm hoping that this will help her understand I'm not a threat to her. It's only when I look directly at her (she's so cute I can't help it!) that she gets scared and hides.

I provided her with a ton of hidey holes. She has the log (her main hidey hole), and a little thing I like to call a "jungle gym" because it has a branch for her to perch, a hollowed out log, and another area where she can crawl through the bottom, and exit through a hole near the top. She really likes that, but she seems to prefer being in the top right of the cage, perched on top of the jungle vine I got, hehe. At least when I'm around. I think it's cute that she likes to be perched on top of it. It's really adorable. She sits there like a little green tree boa.

Is it okay that I watch her sometimes? I think she's really pretty, and she's so cute when she's moving about, and exploring. But she seems to get really nervous when I look at her. She doesn't get defensive and has never tried to strike, or go "s" pose, but she tries to hide the minute I come into view.

If anyone has a crash course on what I should be doing at this stage, please let me know.

~ Thank you.
LRRoberts0122 is offline  
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