I'm done
No, really. No more snakes for me for a VERY long time! I'm hereby cutting myself off and am not allowing myself to get any more snakes until at least next year....
Introducing the new four:
2008 Super Hypo female
2010 Anery 66% het Snow female
2009 Normal het Snow female
2009 Khal het Snow male
I will get better pictures today but I just got them settled in last night. One of them was even kind enough to leave me a present in the water bowl this morning. They look fairly good but the hypo has a little bit of stuck shed on her neck and they need to eat soon, the owner hasn't fed them in a few weeks. I'm hoping to breed the normal to my Ghost boy eventually... Very excited for that!
A small parting gift until I get proper pictures; a quick shot of the hypo in her tub. I'm looking into proper breeding racks and such now.
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
4.9 BCI morphs (and counting!)
0.1 California Kingsnake