Community attitude
Whatsup guys,
This issue has been annoying me for quite some time so I figured I'd ask everyone here. I've been in the odatria/varanid community for a little while, and I'm really disapointed with the attitude of the sellers in this community. There is alot of misrepresentation going on, and outright lies. I won't go into detail, but any of the hardcore odatria people who have the latest news will know a little bit of what I'm talking about.
With that said, I'm leaving the varanid community for now. People have been telling me that I should not worry about the people if I love that species, etc. etc. but I find it hard to buy anything from these guys now, so how am I supposed to expand..I also like to post and discuss on facebook and its not enjoyable with this group half as much as it is in the gecko community.
Sorry about my little rant, but I just wanted to know how important your respective community (morelia, retic, beardie, dart frog, etc.) is to you and if it influences what species you keep or choose not to keep.
For anyone wondering, I decided to go back to knobtails for now, as they are the one genus outside of varanids that I really enjoy and regret selling. I have a whopping 17 knobtails coming next week.