Collection ADD
So this has plagued me for probably a year or two. You might have caught on if you keep up with my posts. Basically, now that I make decent money and am not in school, I have been buying animals that I never used to be able to afford. The problem is that only a few short months goes by and I see an opportunity to trade them for another dream animal and it just never ends. Problem number two is that I have OCD with my collection, it has to all be the same genus, or all snakes, all whatever, they have to fit into a category. Sounds stupid but it pisses me off if its any other way.
Its been mostly odatria (all the dwarf monitor complex), and australian geckos (mostly knobtails) that I've been jumping back and forth between.
I'm at about 6 grand spent this year on animals, maybe 1 or 2 on everything else, and no real direction to show for it haha.
My question is, does anyone else have this issue, and did you solve it? If (I know most people hear have already found their 'calling', morelia, retics, bloods, crested geckos, whatever it may be, but I want them All :P )