Re: What feels good to a snake?
I believe that snakes can recognize certain people, and associate them with "good" things like food and/or heat. I have seen snakes initiate interaction with people, and I really couldn't tell you why... climbing out of their temperate enclosure to travel on a person, for instance. Following a person around the yard, as well. I'm sure all of these instances are the result of a primal sensory like heat and/or cover seeking... but the snakes are not distressed in any way during the reactions, so that's a "good" thing then, yes? Indifferent is better than negative.
[Manny]LavAlbinoRetic [Cortez]AlbinoBlackRat [Honey]Corn [Tartessos]BorneoSTP [Snapdragon]GopherSnake [Candice]YellowConda [Cypress]SolomonIslandTreeBoa
[Ogden]Crestie [Apple+Kiwi+Raina+Nikolai]Leos [Manhattan+Sidney]Tokays [Bukra.Zealand.Mina.Jolene.Yoshi.Greta.Spanky.Maui]Canines ...and fish, turtles, tarantulas, guinea pigs...