My pure kalatoas
I got my pair of kalatoas from Travis Kubes last fall. Travis is known for having the best pure kalatoa in the market, aswell as some of the best high % SD morphs. He was my first choice, and I highly recommend him to everyone seriously looking. When I called him he only had 2 females and no males, but he told me he had sold some to a friend and he'd give him a call. His friend had the male and I placed my order. I got my female directly from Travis. She was a perfect little python, soooo much smaller then my jamp. I got the male a couple weeks later from Travis's friends. He has a minor knob tail(ive had issues with getting males for some reason) and is sadly going to be traded back to Travis for a perfect animal(as I will be breeding them) when they hatch and are ready to go. I might pay in a bit more and get an anery.
My female came to me at about 18 inchs long and super tiny. She hatched on 6/23/13 and I got her in on Halloween. She's now around 3.5 feet long and still very small, definitly living up to the super dwarf reputation. Travis told me they typically top out at 7 feet. She doesn't have the insane feeding response the jamps have, but still respectable. She's very, very fast and doesn't stop moving for a while when you first get her out. Never hinted that she might bite. They are the perfect and most realistic retic for most people. And I'm sure these are going to be seen more and more in the coming years.