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Old 03-18-03, 10:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2002
Location: Ottawa
Age: 43
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Egg incubation Q's - Problems..


After getting millions of advises from different ppl - I can now say I am paranoid..

I have a stable temp of 88.4 wich I am very satisfied with but my humidity is driving me insane.. Its at 92% I CAN"T GET IT DOWN.... any suggestions.. I have punched 6 holes in my stryrofaom box to lower humidity but that did no difference at all ..

The vermiculite is damp but as hard as I squish .. I can get a drop or two out.. the plastic container has about 30 small holes the size of a pencil lead on the sides and now one ont eh top lid on a side away from the eggs.. that one is the size of a nickel..

Here is what is driving me even more crazy .. the top eggs still have creases.. mening that they need more humidity .. GRRRRRR.. I have tried the paper towel Idea once and it made no difference.. I will try it again today..

The bottom eggs look great but the top one have the crease.. I have thrown out the one original egg that was infertile.. and from what I can see.. there seems to be about 2 more that have a chance of going bad also .. they have had the little brown spots from the start but still appaer white..

I am using a 90$ thermometer / hydrometer that is cordless (tx Grant VG) so I garantee u my readings are accurate.. plus an other digi thermometer with probe to make sure lol

Any advise.. lol I need to un-dimple the eggs and at the same time lower humidity lol

the paranoid father

1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
3.4 West Papuan 1.0 Bred'ls
1.1 Yellow condas 0.1 Sebea

**looking for female Bredl's python**
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