Re: Reptile Shed Conversion
Originally Posted by Tonka14
For summer time you can get exhaust fans for the roof area that are controlled with a thermostat. Depending on how how it gets out there a window A/C unit with the exhaust fan will do the trick at keeping it from getting to hot. I had a buddy in Utah that did that with his shed for his Black Throat enclosure.
if its anything like last summer, its going to need AC, lol
it was awful up here last year
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins