Looking for advice on setting up Taiwan Beauty enclosure
It seems that every source I read says something different from the last. Some say high humidity, others say something that will hold moisture for "a while" but will dry within a few hours, and others say aspen.
Obviously I'm finding some contradictions.
I used Aspen on my last one but offered him a humid hide. I never had any problems with him, but that obviously doesn't mean that there weren't better options.
I've seen some great looking enclosures, I've seen coco fiber and leaf litter. Poison's was looking great last I saw pics. I'm leaning toward coco fiber, maybe a blend of coco fiber and potting soil.
So. Those who keep taiwans, what are your opinions? What works for you. What do you do? What kind of substrate do you use? Do you mist regularly? If so, how often. If you use leaf litter, what do you do to prepare / sterilize it?
Is it a cleaning nightmare? I'm spoiled by how easily it is to clean up after a snake with aspen substrate.
Is it worth the trouble to have a viv with live plants with a taiwan, or do they just tear them up and make it harder to clean the viv?
I remember mine made m work to make sure the climbing branches were secure, I'm having trouble imaging the plants doing very well.
Thanks everybody.
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins