Re: Feeding advice for yellow rat
thanks infernalis, I've used those on some larger snakes. I hadn't thought about one for this application because I could'nt find one small enough to offer a secure feeling hiding space. I might use one when she gets bigger though.
She doesn't use the hides she has very often, its funny to watch , a lot of times she'll crawl out of the substrate and over one of the hides, then back into the substrate on the other side, looks like a little sea monster
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins