I adore Liasis and recently added a pair of Savu Islands to my collection. This is the male, a tiny tiny snake probably about 3ft long and very slender.
The female is double his girth and about 4.5 feet.
She's showing signs of being gravid so fingers crossed on that!
They are also known as white eyes pythons because as they age their eyes go a silvery colour (they are black when born)
A very beautiful snake who are generally good natured although they can be a bit skittish and bugger off at high speed!
This is the female. She has some old scarring on her back so its not her natural pigmentation.
And this picture shows her very orange underside. She's cream at the top but goes to this terracotta colour towards her tail end. They are born orange and go green/cream with age. The male hardly has any orange but she's retained quite a bit.
They are about 10 years old now I believe and possibly LTC