Hi all have a question for you guys and gals.
im wanting to know if it would be safe/smart/ok if i were to place one of those ceramic heaters (such as this type
RBI Radiant Heat Panels) on the side of the viv??
my concern is that my snake may like it too much and rest against it and possibly burn her self. i have one over head now and they are not that hot, i can keep my hand on one with out burning my self but i worry as with heat rocks if that would be the case with this. i would also plan on keeping it slightly elevated so she cant curl up right against it. but would be much easier for her to rub against it.
from literally rubbing my hand on one it is slightly more than warm to the touch and to hold your hand on it, but if you move your hand while on it, it get very uncomfortable. not sure if i just answered by own question but i would like to hear your opinion
this is my setup, it is older she is much bigger now but just so you have a visual
thanks for your input