Help, need your opinion, AGAIN : )
I am putting this here for lack of a better place, I have a thought so please bear with me,
I have a 7 1/2 month old Spotted Python who's not very big but is growing (68 g) and is in a 40B enclosure, my new King is in a 20L who is large (about 40-44 inches) and I was going to buy a new tank for her today.
Could I for now rather than running out in the snow and buy a new 40B for my King, just swap them? Put the King in the 40 and the Spotty in the 20?
Is the 20 long too small for a 68 g Spotted Python? He rarely occupies more than just a corner all the time, he's not real active.
Can I swap them without an issue or scrubbing each tank first, meaning, will the snake smell the other snake in his/her new enclosure and get freaked out?
Please offer up your thought.