Popularity of Fish Tanks for Reptiles?
Why is it that fish/glass tanks seem to be such a popular choice for new keepers in north America especially? I see a lot of posts on here regarding people asking about their xx gallon tank but hardly any about their vivariums (except keepers who have been doing it for a while). Is it just that the shops push to sell them to keepers rather than wooden or plastic vivs because they make more money from them or is there something else I am missing? Or have I got it completely wrong and more people use wooden/plastic?
1.1 Corns (Anery Stripe, Amel) 1.0 Rootbeer 0.2 Jungle Carpet Python 0.1 Caramel Coastal Carpet Python 1.0 Zebra Jungle Carpet Python 1.0 50% Diamond Zebra Carpet Python