When to ship and when it's best to wait
As i'm still fairly new to shipping reptiles, I would like to start a discussion on when you feel it is safe to ship your animals, and when it's best to wait until the weather is more favorable. This stems from a heated discussion between one member of a group I belong to, and myself and a few other breeders. The member stated we should not be afraid to ship in temps that fall well below or well above what is considered safe by most. He stated that he has shipped thousands of animals , in conditions that I would never consider shipping a live reptile ( below 32 degrees Farenheit and above 95 degrees Farenheit) and has only had one death during that time.
To me, why risk an animal just because the buyer is impatient and wants to get his/her animal right away? I honestly would rather refund the money to the buyer and choose not to do further business with them, then risk my animals. I'm actually holding two of my 2013 babies until the weather clears, with the buyers cooperation. She is so anxious to get them, but she also knows I won't ship at this time of year....
What are your feelings on this persons willingness to ship at any time of the year, at any temps? Not on the person himself, but the situation...