curious about home coming experiences
Hey Folks,
I was curious to hear from other BP owners what their experiences were like when they first brought them home. What procedures did you use to acclimate the BP into your environment.
Feeding schedules, size of food item, handling, etc...
In the first couple of weeks, I have been very closely watching the temperature and humidity conditions. 75-95 deg. 45-50% Hum. , No flourescent lighting (daylight defused, not directly on the tanks) Red spectrum light placed directly above water dish for evaporation, and basking. Light comes on at 7 PM and goes off at 5 AM. Both are housed in separate 20 gal tanks on a mixed substrate of newspaper(black ink) and rep carpet in the hide zone, hides on the hot zone right now. Both are active at night normally from 8-9 for about 1/2 and hour and a hide on the cool zone doesn't appear necessary. There is lots of climbing foliage and structure and they use it.
First feeding attempt was a couple of pinkies after day 2 and only one was taken, first successful feeding was a full size mouse each. I plan on going to a 4-5 cycle or, should I stick to the weekly cycle and pump the quantities to two per feeding.. I am currently feeding in the tank and plan on tub feeding on the fifth feeding cycle.
I have avoided handling with the exception of the move from the original 33 gal to the pair of 20 gal tanks.
Your input regarding the current situation and my stragedy is appreciated. Right now I am treating them with kit gloves.
Thanks again