I have no clue what is going on.....
So back in march/april I bought a albino from bob clark. I have been in contact with him the whole time and all he will offer to do is swap out the snake and I do not want that option. I like the snake way too much.
Here is the thing. When I got him in april he was 74ish grams. I was feeding him mouse pinkys and he was in qt. The bci was born in feb 2013. I am feeding him weekly and every once and a great while (say every 5 weeks) I skip a week. He is now on rat fuzzies at 15-20 grams. his current weight is 130 grams empty.
It is so weird that he is not growing. He only goes to the bathroom once a month.
His hot spot is 90* and hot side ambiet temp is 84, cool side is 78ish. He has multiple hides, water and a humidity around 55-60%.
Two months ago I brought him to the vet because I wanted him de wormed just for safe measure and went threw that all.
Im at a loss with this one. He acts perfectly fine and is very active when out.
My other three boas are thriving very well and I don't think my husbandry is off expessaly since my bcc (the not so beginner snake, one that had mites and pin worms when I got him) is thriving as well as he is.
Also to note the albino has only shed twice in the 8 months I have had him.
Please help. ugh
0.1 Dumerils Boa 2012 "Rocky"
1.0 Guyana BCC 2009 "El Diablo"
1.0 Albino Kahl BCI 2013 "spyro"
and a pretty big wish list......