Originally Posted by B_Aller
Sorry to seem harsh, just trying to be realistic and to the point, nothing personal.
Your animal is not asking to be "let out" it's telling you that the enclosure your have provided is not offering the proper options. An animals enclosure is not it's home, it is it's environment and it must have multiple homes within it's environment. A well designed enclosure will allow for both resting and foraging. Free roaming, even under supervision is detrimental to the health of the animal. Check out Dr. Mader's books (Reptile medicine and Surgery Vol. 1 and 2) for multiple accounts of free roaming lizards that consumed nerf footballs, children's Tu-tu's, plastic bugs, towels etc. Almost every outcome was death.
You have a wild, exotic animal in a box, it is your responsibility to provide the proper conditions at all times.
I have a pretty elaborate enclosure in the works since I have the available space. I will post a picture upon its completion and if he does not ask to be let out as often I'll take your word for it that that's a good sign.
He's been healthy as a horse and very sociable thus far, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching him like a hawk if he's ever outside of his enclosure or soaking in a bath. Rest assured, I'm aware of my responsibilities. Thank you for the advice, though, I'm eager to finish his new setup. x3