Having issues regulating proper Temps
I'm new to "The Python World", I got my first Spotted Python less than a week ago. I love him, he's amazing, I'm sorry I waited so long to get a Python. At the recommendation of the Mom n Pop Pet Store that I got him from, I put him in a 10 Gallon glass aquarium because he is only 7 months old.
The issue that I am having due to the small tank size is regulating proper Temps.
I have the warm side (Daytime) at 85* F, I have his "Hot Spot" (Basking Area) at 95-96*F, I cant seem to keep his cool side where it should be. His cool side is currently at 85*F.
Are these Temps ok or do I need to put him in something larger so that I can regulate him temps better?
I have always been told, don't go too big.