So do to apartment policy we are no longer allowed to have reptiles as pets here. We are already planning on moving out when our lease up in 9 more months and we're unwilling to get rid of our scaley family members.
We decided in the meantime to take down there large enclosures and put the snakes in a rack. I bought a 41 quart tub rack from and got it all set up getting the temps right over the week and moved them into there new homes today.
I was slightly worried about the king snake escaping because he is so small and there is about 1/8th of an inch gap between the tubs and shelves but I watched him for a while trying to escape and it just didn't look like it was going to happen. Two hours latter I check on him and he's gone!
My heart was about to leap through my throat in panic but as I was digging through the aspen bedding to see where he was hiding my girlfriend spotted him on the other side of the apartment stalking our cat Lol.
He didn't even try to run off as I caught him and I can only speculate on what kind of interesting snake adventures he may have had while he ran free. I feel so lucky to be able to have located him so quickly.
Anyway I added a 1/8 inch sheet of kydex to his shelf and drilled small holes in the side of his tub for humidity release and airflow and he is once more looking for a way out.
Never had a snake escape before and hopefully won't have it happen again for a long time. Watch out for those sneaky coulbrids.