For those of you who have wondered about Poseidon since I first picked him up as a 2 month hatchling last year, I have decided to go back in my pics and show you all his progression.
When I first got him, I had to wait 2 months after he hatched because he got off to a slow start and I had to wait until he had a couple of meals in him before I could take possession. When I first got him, I noticed how chill he was right from the start. Most baby Burms are as bitey as can be but not him. Not once has he struck at me or even hissed at me. He's always been laid back. Now, he's over 5' long and still as laid back as ever. Where's that "snappy" phase? It's never been found in him. He is curious, however, about his surroundings and loves to explore when he can. Right now, I have him on Large rats weekly and he pounds them down every time.
For those of you who have never seen him before, this is Poseidon, my Normal het Albino yearling Burm. He was hatched in August 2012 and I took possession of him in October and have enjoyed him since.