Originally Posted by murrindindi
Even if a monitor had been basking at a surface temp of 150f by the time you get to the vet and treatment starts the monitor`s core temp will have dropped significantly and it should be relatively "calm" (unless the vet lived next door, of course, in which case you wait for 30 minutes or so)!
How on earth do they cope with large nervous domestic dogs or cats?
If the animal was deliberately cooled for any length of time (even a few hours) it`s immune system is compromised, how is that in the animal`s best interest?
All the above mentioned maladies as has been stated ARE "husbandry" related.
Vets normally do NOT "dart" sick captive Varanids (shoot them with a dart gun)!?
Would a dart gun even pierce their scales? My guy's been bitten by an adult mouse before, and it didn't do a lick of damage to him- he didn't even react.
How do they restrain komodos when a vet visit is needed? Are you able to 'tranq' in any way a monitor? Just curious