Brazilian Rainbow Boa Help Needed
Okay, I am getting a baby Brazilian Rainbow Boa. This is my first snake. I know they are not advised to be a beginner snake and I understand this. Because I understand this I want to do this right. Any and all advice is welcome.
What I have so far:
1) Zilla 40 gallon tank. 36" by 18" by 16."
2) Screen top that is lockable.
3) Petco Essentials Brooklyn 40 gallon tank stand.
4) Zilla 30" Strip Light with Tropical 25 UVB T8 flourescent bulb.
5) Big cave hide that will sit above a Zoo Med under the tank heater.
6) Zoo Med Terrarium moss will go in this hide after being dampened.
7) 2x Flukers 8.5" Clamp Lamp. One will house a Zoo Med 100w Repti Basking Spot Lamp for daytime, the other, a 75w Nocturnal Infrared Heat Lamp for night night time. If required both will be on at the same time to compensate for a lack of heat.
8) Big heavy rock looking water dish.
9) Will be using Zoo Med compressed coconut fiber bricks that expand for substrate.
What I need help with:
1) I ordered the Exo Terra Monsoon Misting System. Would rather 2x Repti Fogger but they have bad reviews. Did I make the right choice with the Moonsoon? Other options? I'm afraid the misting system will be too strong/thick of a spray and make things too wet. Possibly running down the walls, sitting on the bottom of the tank, creating mold, soaking the snake, or simply end up providing an uneven dissipation of wetness/humidity.
2) I need a digital thermometer and hygrometer. I have searched and it seems many of the reptile designed ones with or without probes all have bad reviews or seem cheap. I was thinking about buying an indoor/outdoor one from Walmart or Lowes without a probe and velcroing it to the wall inside the tank in the center near the bottom. Would this work? Advice on good digital thermometer/hygrometer? I want it to be accurate and able to withstand getting wet if it must be inside the tank.
3) Will it be necessary to cover top screen with anything to keep the humidity and heat up other than the space the lights already cover?
4) I had the idea of coming up with some kind of substrate substitute that I could simply lay down that could be taken out, cleaned and reused easily. For example, I thought to myself, why not buy egg crate foam like the kind used for your bed and cut a proper piece out and use it as a substrate ideally soaking up and retaining water to keep the humidity up. Thinking I could then simply take it out wash it by hand, disinfect it, wring it out and return it to the cage. However egg crate foam may allow the water to sit at the bottom of the tank, could break apart after being wet, create mold if not cleaned appropriately, or melt under the heat lamps. Now I am willing to bet there is some kind of foam, sponge, or other material out there that could hold water/humidity and work efficiently without melting under the heat lamps.... There's gotta be something I could use right? Anyone out there have any recyclable, clean, and simple innovations/experiences with this? Let me state that I do not want to use newspaper, paper towels, rags, or reptile carpeting.
5) I need a timer mechanism or timing power strip for the lights. Advice?
6) I need a background. Was thinking about buying a one inch thick realistic rock background they make for reptile enclosures made out of some kind of foam and velcroing it to the back wall inside the tank for easy removal when cleaning. Advice?
7) I need some decor and/or furnishings such as a dried out, treated log and fake plants that you might find at a pet store. Advice? I do not want to use live plants, other than prepackaged moss as mentioned above.
What am I missing?
1) Vitamins maybe?
2) Anything else...?
Additional Information:
1) I live in PA and it gets cold in the winter time.
2) I live downstairs. The upstairs has central air via an air conditioner. The downstairs, however, is only heated by two electronic space heaters for the entire downstairs: large living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small hallway + steps. There is a door at the top of the steps that is always closed.
3) It is actually already humid downstairs and we sometimes have to run a duhimidifier. However, I am still worried about the humidity inside the tank as baby brazilian rainbows require high humidity (95% when they are babies). Again, I am buying a baby.