Ok so I had typer out a big paragraph but my phone keeps crashing and losing it lol.
Long story short some sort of fly that looks like a smaller blue bottle except green flew into the savs cage a few days ago. I opened it up today and theres about 40 of the things buzzing about.
Could they cause any harm? Like maggots etc eating away at the monitor?
Also what would be the easiest way to get rid of them without harming the sav?
My dads goin ape**** saying they are some sort of tropical fly that just magically appeared somehow and has nothing to do with the council not emptying our bins for 3weeks. So if someone has some sort of reassurance it'd be much appreciated before my little guy has to be rehomed
Has this ever happened to anyone else before or am I the only dafty about here that wouldnt think anything of letting a fly get into the enclosure?