Baby Salvator. Picture Heavy! Lots of Questions!
Here's my new monitor lizard. Varanus Salvator. "Sumatran" I was told. Rescued from someone I know that felt the little love would be better off in my care than hers. She was given him by someone else that impulse bought it. So now she's living with me! We all know I love monitors and provide them with proper care as best I can. This little one is about 4 inches long tip to tip, not sure of weight or age. A little on the thin side, so I am going to be feeding her like crazy. This is what I was thinking as far as WEEKLY feeding goes:
Sun- 50 crickets
Mon- 10 super worms and SZD (if wont eat it, fertile goose egg)
Tue- 30 regular meal worms
Wed- 25 small dubia
Thur- 10 wax worms and SZD (if wont eat it, fertile goose egg)
Fri- 3 to 5 whole f/t silversides
Sat- 3 to 5 f/t pinkie mice
My Nile and my Savannah gets pretty much the same, just in larger amounts. I like to provide as much variety as I can while keeping their bellies full. Soemtimes I get nightcrawlers or goliath worms or phoenix worms if I can find them as a treat. She's too small right now for baby quail or chicks but that will come with time.
Enclosure: 6' x 2' x 18".
Substrate: Banked and a 50:50 sand:soil mixture
Basking: Single flood light, 125 degrees at hottest
Temps: 80 cool side, 90 warm side
Humidity: 80 cool side, 30 warm side
Anything I should change? Anything I could add other than some more climbing/ hiding areas? If I buy minnows for her water feature will she hunt them? Can she eat garden snails?