herping in indiana?
Does anyone go herping in northern indiana? I live near fort wayne and I go to my dads up in south bend frequently, and I can't find anywhere to go herping. does anyone know of any good spots? I've been to the warren dunes, indiana dunes, baugo creek, and all kinds of places. my grandpa has a farm house but all I find are garters. I want to find some racers and milk snakes. Any tips on herping? places to look?
0.2 Leopard Gecko(Zadna & Allister) | 0.1 Mexican Black Kingsnake(Ammit) | 0.1 Albino Checkered Garter Snake(Mrs. Buttercup) |1.0 Betta (Alfred) |0.0.1 Green Sunfish| 1.0 Green Terror Cichlid