Disgusting and Blatant Cruelty
While surfing my T.V. last night I came to "The History Channel" Playing was the premiere episode of "The Legend of Shelby the Swamp Man" The intro. consisted of this dufus being loud, obnoxious and out of control. One of the scenes in this intro showed him holding a small water snake. The snake bit and held onto his hand. He pulled the snake off his hand and bit its head off.
Shame on you History Channel and A&E network.
I called A&E and left a comment on this worthless program. If you call choose to speak to an operator as their comment line isn't in their main menu(imagine that) They will connect you with the automated service.
The History Channel
235 E. 45th St.
New York , NY 10017
Phone: (212) 210-1400
Fax: (212) 210-9016