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Old 07-21-13, 09:34 AM   #1
Hannibalcanibal's Avatar
Join Date: Aug-2012
Posts: 314
"bigger" Reptile?

So, i'm not sure if general lizard forum is the right place for this question, but since it involves lizards, i thought i might ask here.. mods feel free to move if you want too.

So, i was thinking about getting into a bit of a bigger "pet". Basically what i was wondering was, I'm fourteen years old, and i want to get something a bit bigger than what i have now (lizard 2+ feet, or snake 5+ feet), and i really like big lizards... so, my parents are separated, and one of them actually said they would get me a boa, or something else big.... I have no problem with myself being able to take care of it ( i already have a bunch of smaller pets, all alive and adequately cared for, so the amount of work for me would just be one more tank to set up and maintain), and i am fully capable of feeding it ( i breed my own feeder insects, now.. and i'm kind of over flowing, plus i have bred rodents in the past, but now i just buy bulk), so taking care of it probably would not be a problem, the only problem would be where i put a giant enclosure.. need to talk to my parent about that. But, if i was able to get the ok, what could i get?

i was thinking suriname boa, or chinese water dragon, or on the outskirts of what would be possible, a savannah monitor... But i know all of these require big enclosures, especially with the savanah monitor, who would need a big enclosure.. one last question, what is the actual lower limit of a savannah monitor's cage? some people say 6, others say 8, and one guy i talked to irl said 10.... yeah so probably not a sav with two feet of dirt, but still, i was thinking of getting something big.
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