Thread Snakes?
These aren't Colubrids (I don't think), but since they don't go in any other forum, I guess I'll put them here.
So, a friend of mine has a nest of Leptotyphlops (Thread snakes) in her yard every year. According to local laws, they are legal to collect- which is really exciting, since I had a Texas Blind Snake for a short while and really loved him.
Question though, has anyone else ever kept these guys long term? Do you have any advice on them? I know their eating habits are going to be a pain, though my TBS moved over to crickets fairly easily. I was wondering more about how many I could have in one tank, proper heating, substrate suggestions, etc. I'm having a heck of a time finding captive info on them online, since most people seem to think these fascinating snakes are not worth the effort since they are so small and spend most of their time underground.
If there aren't any late batches, it'll be a year before I get any, but I'd really like to work towards the goal of owning a few.