I got Zazu this cage last weekend. Its 6x6x8. HUGE and takes up about half of my apartment living room. I need to fix a few things before I put her in it. For example the dirt wouldnt be deep enough if I left it as is. I need to replace the screen with possibly Lexan. Although, the humidity is about 80% this week in the NEK... ugh.
I took this photo while it was still in the other persons basement. It looks HUGE in my living room. I like that its tall enough for me to walk in. Im still putting it back together, big project.
No hate, suggestions are welcome. I think im going to mount the lamps under the shelf... not really sure yet.
Also, so im in this chicks basement and all of the sudden a freakin gator jumps on the door. I cant say as ive even seen a alligator as a pet. This guy was about 6 feet id say with some more growing to do.

very cool