A question on substrates
So after some more looking around, I have a couple of substrate questions. The more I look around and think about it, the more I am leaning towards a corn snake.
The first questions is, is it generally a good idea to keep a new snake on newspaper or something similar for a certain period to make it easier to detect mites or other issues? If so whats the rule of thumb on how long the basic substrate should be used before moving to a different bedding?
Which leads me in to question two....
Ultimately I'd prefer a bedding with a more natural appearance than newspaper/paper towels/etc. I'm seeing recommendations on various websites for aspen shavings, repti bark, a few other commercial mixtures, coconut husk, mulch (which I understand to be specifically pet intended substrate, not home depot type much correct?), carefresh, etc. Are there any that are particularly good or types that should be avoided?