Yes I'm that new guy that got an Indonesian Water
I have had him for about a year now. When I got him I could hold him and then he got testy and then he grew and grew and I could handle him less and less. He hasn't bitten me since he was tiny but that is because I try to limit the opportunity.
I have always and still can hand feed him. I can pet him on his terms, moving very slowly around him. He has been in his new cage for two weeks now and I am really wanting to seek out advice as what I can do to tame him down to be more of a pet than a display animal. I knew when I got him he may never be handleable when he got big and I am still ok with that. I knew what I was getting into as I thought long and hard for a year or so...and even when the pet store got one I still took a month or so before I caved.
His hot spot gets up to about 120+. His water bowl is a 50 gal. I feed him mostly day old chicks and fresh water fish and Mazuri croc diet as a supplement. All of his food is pre killled/frozen thawed.
Even if I can never handle him, I am ok with that. I want to take good care of him. That is a commitment I made and as long as I have a job I will continue that commitment. I just feel like maybe there is something I can do to tame him down over time. Hopefully.