5 mo. old ETB help
I recently got a baby ETB and have had it about a month. It's CB and seems to be in pretty good health. It's eaten all 3 times I've fed it and is always in tight coils. I've noticed a few things though that concern me and am not sure if they are problems or just me worrying too much.
First off I've noticed it's skin kind of loose and wrinkly, I mist at least a couple times a day and it has a suspended water dish. The humidity stays in the 80s most of the day with a drop to 60 or so at night. Temperature is around 80-83 DTH and drops to about 73-75 at night It hasn't shed since I've gotten it, could that just be the old skin getting ready for shed?
Also, the third feeding was this past Saturday and I still haven't seen it defecate (althought there's a chance I missed it when cleaning his cage.
The other thing I've noticed that is concerning is that maybe once a week or so I'll find him cruising the floor of his cage at night. I was under the impression ETBs almost never go to ground. Is this something that I should be concerned about? I have experience with other species, but I am new to ETB's and just want to make sure I have it right. Any help or advice anyone can offer would be great!