Best way to bulk up a snake?
Hi all;
I recently took my honduran milk snake to the vet for a skin issue, and in the course of the exam we both decided that she was a little on the thin side.
She is 5 feet and 2 inches +/-, and when i weighed her a week and a half ago she was 912 grams, yesterday at the vets she was 874 grams (she has pooped twice and hadnt eaten yet this week, hence the disparity).
Ideally, i think she should be at about 1000-1100 grams.
My question is this:
Should i feed her more prey items per feeding (2 mice vs 1)?
Larger prey items/feeding (switch from large mice to small rats)?
OR more frequent feeding (right now she is fed every 7-8 days)?
What do you think would be the best way to put a little weight on her, she is not a breeding snake and just got out of a bad situation + brumation.
0.1 Jungle Carpet "Bhageera", 2.0 Corn snakes "Castor & Pollux", 1.1 Cal Kings "Lux & Nyx", 0.1 Honduran Milksnake "Demeter", 0.1 Rosy boa "Neki-monster", 1.0 Axolotl "Grendle", 2 tarantulas, 0.1 Leopard gecko "Remus", and a freezer full of mice (and Rats!)….