Originally Posted by jarich
Im not sure what breakdown you are talking about.
Let me be clear again, I do not think mice are superior. I dont choose to feed mice. I actually hate mice, as they are dirty, smelly, and a huge pain to breed. Out of all my snakes, I have only one who is picky and doesnt take rats. Rats are more convenient to feed my larger snakes, and for some people like Dan, they are also cheaper. My only point this whole time was to refute your claim that rats are nutritionally superior to other rodents for feeding pythons. I have done so, with evidence above. If you really need me to, I can give you a list of some articles to read in order to understand this better, but again it will not be to show mice are better. Rather they will show that both are pretty much the same, both more than fulfill the nutritional requirements of these pythons, and there is only keeper preferences to consider.
I'm not reading all of the arguing, its too much text for me. I did read this one though, so I thought I'd ask. The boost in growth from feeding rats that people see, is that just due to them tending to feed a larger rat than they would if they were feeding a mouse?