I've been waiting for the weather to get better and finally today I flipped over a brick and jack pot. I got a family of roly polies. I grabbed all that I can and dumped them in my monitor cage.
Here's the twist. Within seconds, the baby superworms from under the soil emerged and started eating them alive, so did the crickets and the superworm beetles. Almost the entire family of roly polies were wiped out except for the 2 giant ones. I never knew the insects I had were carnivorous, they never attacked each other e.g. crix against beetles or vise versa unless the target is almost dead or is dead. These rolies were alive.
Weird thing is that on the web it always shows them roling into a ball when threatened. But these guys don't seem to do that... must be a different kind. They are crustaceans for sure tho, just don't role into balls.