sav nail problem
Hi! Me again. My sav had perfect toes and nails all razor sharp, but today I noticed his right index nail is broken off. I don't think his nail feel off his finger, but it looked like it snapped off cuzz I can still see the base of his nail. His left thumb nail is missing too, I couldn't get a close look to see if it fell off or broke off. He has no shedding problems as his heat and humidity is great and he's always covered in mud when coming out of his burrow and rarely see any unshed skin, maybe 1-2 days I can see it but they fall off real fast, even all his toes skin.
so. Will his snapped off nail grow back? Is this a sign of improper husbandry or food? If his left thumb did fall right off his finger then it probably won't ever grow back, if that's the case what did I do wrong?