Originally Posted by Pareeeee
Dunno if it's been suggested, but in the evening try sprinkling flour on the floor (if it's not carpeted...) in front of things such as the fridge, desks, entertainment unit, oven, etc. and check in the morning to see if it's been disturbed.
you should put a heat source under your live traps, may have a higher chance of attracting him.
Yeah, we are doing:
- the flour (previously baited with live smalls)...preps with a comb.
- crinkled tin foil under motion sensors at night.
- moved most of the upstairs stuff to the garage after triple checking.
- sitting up till stupid o'clock at night listening....for....(what was that?)
- etc, etc, etc....everything short of video on a sensor. That might be good reasoning to get a go-pro)...need to talk to the wife!!