What do I doooooooooo???
I went to our new house today just to walk around, since I haven't done much exploring. Anyways, there is a huge attic, huge basement with 2 rooms (both are perfect for reptiles), the green house that needs replaced glass, and I found another 'secret room' that is like 15 x 15 and 5 feet high with one entrance. All it needs is dirt and lights and you can throw a few monitors in there....my dad said all 3 of these rooms aren't going to be used except a bit of storage in the basement. Its sooooooooooooooo tempting -_-
In other news, I bought a macbook today after much deliberation. Not a mac guy, but I am a resell / get some of my money back type which is why I didn't buy a vaio or acer that loses its value completely in 6 months.