Hey all,
I've had my blood python since mid-January and a couple weeks ago she began the process of preparing to shed. Over the next few days her colour darkened, she turned milky white, and several days later the white cleared and naturally I expected a shed within a few days. A couple days later I found yellow stained newspaper and the shed skin of her tail in the cage but that's all. It has been over a week and she still has not shed completely. I've soaked her in shallow water for several hours, put her in a tub for several hours with damp peat moss and nothing ever comes of it.
She is a 2012 hatchling and less than 2 feet long and is kept in a well ventilated plastic tub with daily fresh water (the dish is large enough to squeeze into), clean newspaper substrate, 83 F ambient temperature (85-87 variation on the warm end), humidity is kept at about 70% and during the shedding period is up at 80-85. I have other snakes (and have other snakes previously) that have never had an issue shedding.
I do follow the advice on the following web pages:
Red Blood Python care sheet
Blood Pythons, Information and Care | Vida Preciosa International, Inc.
Anyone have any thoughts, advice, similar stories? Am I jumping the gun? (Please let me be jumping the gun lol)