Originally Posted by nepoez
Please tell me the recommended complete lighting setup in your opinion, thx!
Recommended - is a cluster of 3 Halogen flood lights 45 watts for the basking area to achieve a good temp and gradient through the cage. however i found that this wasn't hot enough for me so i just upped a light wattage at a time until i achieved the temp i wanted and it came down to 1 -45watt halogen flood light and 2- 60 watt flood's ... i also put in a 150 watt ceramic heat emitter to use at night when i turn off all the lights. I have a Florescent light fixture in my cage (2ft long) with 2 - 10.0 uvb florescent bulbs in there. with that being said my hot side stays around high 90's and cool side mid 80's humidity strong on the cool side at 80% never less than that and hot side humidity is at 65 ish % down in my borrows its almost 100% humidity and the temps are mid 70's... i also have 2 feet of sand/soil mix in my cage as well.