Re: Suggestion about using scientific names
I actually like using scientific names + common names in searches, I tend to find care sheets that weren't written by preschoolers.
For example, I'm researching SI right now (Self immunization) to venoms, some of the best info was found using If you want taxonomy information you should use a proper search engine because to be honest, the base is pretty terrible for finding solid information without having to sift through pages of garbage, if I was researching a care sheet on say... Atheris Squamigera (african bush viper) and I typed in "african bush viper care sheet" or was on a forum looking for help with my "african bush viper" no-one would be able to offer me any type of reasonable advice without a photo to define the subspecies or a scientific name (Atheris squamigera instead of Atheris Hispida for example) They both look similar (ish) and people tend to call them by the same common name but they are 2 totally different animals with different needs.
Even if you don't know the scientific name a person is referring to, by reading that name next to the common name you will automatically memorize them over time, as long as the common name is included it shouldn't confuse anyone...
Regarding the "Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Serpentes Boidae Boinae Boa Boa Constrictor imperator"... nobody is EVER going to type that into a forum to describe their animal.. EVER... A reasonable alternative would be "Boa Constrictor Imperator" or "Boa Constrictor Constrictor"...
People who know everything are often clueless.